Sunday, September 8, 2019

2nd Grade Space Week Rocket to Another Planet...

 Each year we celebrate Space Week at the end of September. 
In second grade I have students think about what it would be like to travel to another planet. It is something they might actually get to do in their life time.

 The first step is to create a new world, a planet far away. 
What would the ground look like?
What would the new sky look like?
Draw your outlines using a black crayon and then use watercolor paint
to create your new planet.
 Next we use a straw to create Nebulas.
Place a very watery drop of paint on the paper and
then using your straw blow as had as you can to create
streaks in the paint.
I make sure to tell the kids not to share their straws and 
the straws much be thrown away as soon as you are done using them.


To create the rocket we use a separate sheet of paper and then color it with markers.
When the rocket has been colored students will cut it out and glue to on their new planet.

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