Saturday, December 22, 2018

I Love My Job....

I love my job...I really really do. I do not think anything in my life has ever made me happier. I would actually move into my art room if that were possible so I could be there more. As an artist and an art educator I know it's very different than other jobs. I can not imagine not doing art. I am a creative person and my brain is on all the time. I was born with it and I will die with it. It will continue long after I have retired from teaching in a classroom. I can not stop drawing, painting, doodling, felting, making books, stitching scrappy creatures, etc. 

Hubby and I went to his mother's home for Christmas one year. She is a quilter and her stuff is in hubby's old bedroom. By the time we left for home I had taught myself to quilt and created and finished the one and only blanket I have made to date. Of course hubby helped me with the math and mother-in-law taught me to sew. But I could not just sit there and not create. I am always taking classes or learning new things on-line. I learned to felt watching Cassie Stephens videos. Now I can not live without my felted creatures. My point is...well I really do not have a point I just wanted to to say how much I love teaching elementary art. Can you imagine a math teacher saying "hey I went home and did math all weekend"! Well maybe Sheldon Cooper. 

But just because I live and breath my job does not mean y'all have to. I know new teachers find it difficult to fit it all in. So don't, you do not have to, you will be fine and it will all work out. You just do you! There was a reason you became a teacher...remember that and keep moving forward. I became a teacher because I am a high school drop out. I never wanted that to happen to anyone else. I want creative type kids to know there is a future for them in the arts.

I do not sleep much, I never have and I am a nocturnal creature. I also have ADHD, which helps me get a lot done when I am focused....when I am not focused my house falls apart, my laundry piles up, my studio gets flooded with new art supplies I may never use and hubby talks about moving out to his man shed. Oh ya I remember my point now...never compare yourself to others. You are amazing just as you are. I wish someone would have told me that when I was young and told me about SCAD but I am telling you that now because you are amazing. Remember I only post the good stuff....there is an amazing amount of failures behind it all that you will never see. For every 1 idea that gets out there are 10 more in my brain struggling to make an appearance.  But without me trying and failing I would never learn and never be able to share with my kiddos and with you. There is no magic formula to getting it all done...sometimes I get it done and I get it posted on my blog and sometimes I don't and you never see it. Do what you can with what you have the best way you know how and you will be fine.

 This is who I am. 
Peace be the Journey!

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