Monday, September 5, 2016

International Dot Day 2016...

2nd Grades Dots on the drying rack getting ready for International Dot Day

1st Grades Dots for Dot Day

This year we are celebrating International Dot Day based on the book
The Dot by Peter Reynolds

My school, Cedar Point Elementary will be celebrating International Day on Sept. 15th 2016. I am so excited about this event.
We will dress up in all dots on this day.

International Day Day celebrates the work of Peter Reynolds and his book The Dot. We are using his positive words as a base for this event:
Bravery, Creativity and Self-Expression

To learn more about International Dot Day go to:

2nd grade creating paint circles for International Dot Day

3rd Grade gathering the papers to make their dots.

First we cut out the paper plate circles.
So colorful!

Cutting our concentric circles

5th Grade Yarn circles.

Take a piece of yarn and string it through the center out to each hole and around the other side

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