Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Kinder Spiders...

We used a ruler and a white crayon. Have you ever tried to use a ruler
in kindergarten! OMG....Do not do that on a day you also got a speeding ticket on the way to work.
There is a small but real frustration level. 
But it was totally worth it in the end. The kids did an awesome job and the spiders are too cute.

On a separate sheet of paper have students draw a spider with a black crayon and paint it with watercolors. 

Cut out the spider and glue it to the web.

One of my personal goals this year is to include more art based lesson assignments for kinder and 1st. based on books. As it turned out, improved reading skills is our schools big objective push for this year as well!

Here are some of the books we read during the spider web project:


  1. These spiders are amazing! They're so cute. Especially the second one with that fabulous smile!

  2. It finished work looks awesome hanging in the hall!
